Заметки сисадмина » VMware Tools for Smoothwall Express 3.0

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VMware Tools for Smoothwall Express 3.0

1) What this mod provides

VMware tools for Smoothwall Express 3.0.
If running Smoothwall in a VMware virtual environment, you will need vmware tools to support some of the features that vmware provides.

2) Installation

Please Note: VMware tools is configured based on the running kernel.
This package only supports a Smoothwall Express version 3.0 i386 installation based on SP3 or that has update 8 (or above) installed.

download the package

run the Installer

3) Uninstalling

4) Usage

VMware VI Client or the VMware web interface should recognise that vmware tools is installed and configured correctly.
The Client will indicate that the vmwaretools are “Unmanaged”. This is normal and just means that vmware is unable to update the tools automatically.

One Response

  1. Olivier says:

    Thank you for the tools, much appreciated!

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