Installing offline bundles and updates in ESXi 5 Using the CLI
Using the CLI
First off you will need to copy the bundle from HP locally onto the ESXi server. There are a few ways to do this. You can utilize a program such as WinSCP to connect and transfer the file (you will need to enable SSH on the host) or you could simply upload this to a datastore that the host has access to using the Datastore Browser. Either or, just get it on the host.
Once it’s on the host it’s a matter of using Putty to ssh into your host or connecting directly to the DCUI and launching the ESXi Shell and running the following command…
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esxcli software vib install -d |
Download patch from
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esxcli software vib install -d /vmfs/volumes/133-ds1/!soft/ |
If you are using a remote CLI installation then you need to add a few options to provide the server and credentials as follows
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esxcli -s SERVERNAME -u root -p Password software vib install -d |
Once this command executes it should delve into the zip file and install the packages that are applicable to your host. Once completed you will need to reboot your host